The use of a darker chord here will signify a shift in mood to the listener, confirming that a new section is in play. Start your new section with a minor chord Here are three techniques you can use when picking your alternate chords:ġ. Once you have picked out your main chord progression, it’s time to choose a selection of alternative chord progressions to use in other varied sections. Our advice would be to spend some time at your piano trying these combinations out, until you find a progression that you like.
These are just four of many combinations that you can try. The chords in C major are C(I), Dm(ii), Em(iii), F(IV), G(V), Am(vi), and B diminished(vii). We've picked out four different popular chord progressions for you to use freely or manipulate to fit your piece. By sitting at your piano and playing around with different combinations, you will find which ones fit and which don’t. When picking your chords, there is absolutely no right or wrong way. That gives you an unlimited amount of combinations that you can go with. They can change the entire mood and direction.
The chords you choose for your composition can completely define your piece.